Sunday, August 05, 2007

I will always need my sister...

It has been said time and time again that your best girlfriends will have your back. This little ditty is dedicated to all my sisters and those very special women in my life who have, in some way, had the heart of my mother. This is especially dedicated to my mom who will have celebrated her birthday on August 11th. Continue to R.I.P. with the waters of the world and let the wind blow your essence into the souls of others. You are still tremendously missed.

And a very special birthday to my mom's bestfriend, S. "Candy" Givens. They were born just 24 hours a part! Thanks for being there Candy!

I was born of a woman whose strength I've always known
She's absent in body but her spirit is felt when the wind blows.
My daily memory of her lays curved in my hips
and when I'm down, I just have to curl my lips
There were days all my tears were caught in her hand's palm
Then she'd fold them in prayer and her heart would send up a Psalm

With only me as her reminder on earth
I pray daily to cry no more and maintain her strength

Along my journey, God sent me sisters who loved me like my mother
Cooking me food, mending my scars, holding my secrets, clutching my arm
When the going gets rough they tell me to pray and go on
"You have God on your side, how could you go wrong."

"Chile, let your hair down...actually hand me that comb
For each part I make, understand you're already made whole.
A little twist here, a braid right there
God never puts more on you than you can bare."

"What's up with all my gray hair," I'd wine at the reflection I see through a glass

"Girl, each strand lets you know you've become wiser than your last crash.
You've survived death that stared you in the face.
You've conquered sorrow when others met its fate
You've let God guide you when the money wasn't there
You've walked into and escaped heartache when others wouldn't dare
Hand me that grease...sistah, you have more of life to fight...
But before too long, you'll get it right."

I humble myself before the Lord and thank him for the court of women in my life
Thank you to all, single with or without children and those who are great model wives.

In honor of my mother, I thank you!

All of my love,
Yolonda D. Coleman



Anonymous said...

Thank you Yolanda for being a part of my life. I thank God for allowing me to meet youand Ms. Michelle, and I'm glad to be a part of your life.

Anonymous said...

I just left a message but I didn't leave my name , I love you


Anonymous said...

Jolanda you are the daughther I never had. I love you