Dear Coffeedreamz Family,
Last year, I celebrated new life for my 30th. This year, I'm celebrating new love. I declared 2007 as a By Any Means Necessary and Take Out the Trash Year. So far, my two favorite highlights involve dreamz I have: I asked God to see the dreamz of my outreach ministry of love through and I asked God to prepare me to receive love. God gve me a glimpse of both. Jumping out on Faith while praying for Grace and Mercy...is a wonderful thing. To those who don't believe in the power of prayer...for those who don't believe in love...for those who don't believe in God...Look in my eyes. Look at my smile. You'll see all of them at once.
NEW YORK welcomed me with open arms as I conducted two workshops in Coney Island (Brooklyn is the best!). I was able to foster the beginnig of dreamz with elementary and middle school children at PS288 Shirley Taneyhill (thanks for the referral). My favorite moment: I told the students to dream and dream big. "Dream! Dream On!" No matter what anyone says, all dreams are possible. One of the babies said she wants to be ice cream. Since nothing is impossible, I encouraged her to have an ice cream bar made in her image and GO FOR IT!
While I was in Coney Island, I was able to sell 15 books, making that the most books sold at one time this year...now get this...IN THE MIDDLE OF AN ICE STORM. My love to PS288 and Mane Attraction Hair Salon. Thank you for making me successful during my first NYC tour.
While scooting our way along icy roads, my sister, Matice and I, prayed for a safe journey. Things were getting rough. If you know my driving, it was best that we get off the road. We found a Holiday Inn off the Turnpike (exit 8, I believe). While on this trip, I was comforted with text messages and phone calls from the one who claims my heart's desire. With God's grace, I heard the message in the storm.
Prayer and speaking things as though they were not...WHEW! actually works. The trick is, being ready when God presents it to you.
Anywho, on a sunny Saturday, I met a gentlemen who spoke to me about the Lord and every conversation thereafter we acknowledge Him. Following the candid converstations about WHATEVER were nightly prayers together, daily emails, daily text messges, daily pictures and confirmation of thoughts flowing from his lips without me ever saying a word to him. Be equally yoked is nothing to play with. It is not just a saying, it is a lifestyle.
Ordinarily, I'd include this in a private journal. However, I am noble and for the first time EVER, I wear my heart online and give God the Glory for Love's Renaiassance. It has to start somewhere, so, I am starting here and now. May God richly bless you all in love and life. This is the beginning of a non-fiction love story. "
To the one who keeps me smiling daily...
A . Brown Girl Exclusive
by Yolonda D. Coleman
You are my Romeo, my black knight, my Tea Cake
As my eyes were watching God, you captured me from the enemy,
As my eyes were watching God, you captured me from the enemy,
you love me without fearing death
And in doing so,
The Son shines brightly on us whispering untold stories
of what our love will become...
The earth is our stage
and we stand in the spotlight of the stars
as God reveals to us each moment
where we'll stand at curtain's call.
We've spent many years rehearsing with actors
preparing for dress rehearsals and making sure our
lines were flawless...
When it's time to take center stage, will we remember
all that we've learned?
The Son shines brightly on us whispering untold stories
of what our love will become...
The earth is our stage
and we stand in the spotlight of the stars
as God reveals to us each moment
where we'll stand at curtain's call.
We've spent many years rehearsing with actors
preparing for dress rehearsals and making sure our
lines were flawless...
When it's time to take center stage, will we remember
all that we've learned?
Will we write a new script tailored just for our moment
with no cuts, no do overs, no understudies to take our place
no set
Just the bareness of our souls meeting for the first time
speaking only truth of what we've always known but never
had a chance to realize?
You are my Romeo, my black knight, my Tea Cake As my eyes were watching God, you captured me from the enemy, you love me without fearing death
And in doing so, The Son shines brightly on us whispering untold stories of what our love will become...
Will we write a new script tailored just for our moment
with no cuts, no do overs, no understudies to take our place
no set
Just the bareness of our souls meeting for the first time
speaking only truth of what we've always known but never
had a chance to realize?
You are my Romeo, my black knight, my Tea Cake As my eyes were watching God, you captured me from the enemy, you love me without fearing death
And in doing so, The Son shines brightly on us whispering untold stories of what our love will become...
I am a City Girl with Southern Roots. I am waiting in God's hand while you prepare to bring me home...it gets no deeper south than you.
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