(New York, New York---March 16, 2007) FOR GET WHAT YOU HEARD! New Yorkers rank on my top list of people who are more welcoming than the media portrays. I said the same about folks in Detroit and I mirror it with New Yorkers, "Thank you for being so kind to A. Brown Girl."
I was able to convince the greatest assistant of all times, Marty Ma, to make the trip at 4:49am in the morning. We were headed to Coney Island to celebrate Women's History Month at PS288 Shirley Tanyhill. Now, prior to the departure, Marty Ma gave me a forecast of ice and snow falling over the Big Apple. I had a decision to cancel plans or continue knowing that God would take care of all troubles before me. I chose the latter.
By the time we hit the exit for the Verrazzano bridge, it was pouring ice like a Slush Puppy...vanilla flavored. No matter, "We've come to far to turn back now." If you know my driving, lol, I got lost. Thanks to Brian, one of the chefs at PS288, I was able to arrive at the school safely. Is there another word for excited? If so, that's how I was feeling and singing with joy...in my best Soprano voice (had to sneak that in there re: the Verrazano ... lol).
When I started the Sugar Rush: Love's Liberation book tour, I was asked when I was coming to New York. I didn't want to rush God's plan. I did know that when when it was time for me to head north, I had to respond immediately. With so many obstacles in my way, I knew, come rain, sleet or snow, there was a blessing waiting for me. In fact, when I arrived, there were a few hundred blessings waiting my arrival.
The eyes of the little children was the prize. "Dream! Dream On!" we shouted in unison after each child talked about their dreamz. "You can do anything! Even in the face of death, follow your dreamz!" They were amped! They were smiling. They were so energized when I gave them the cue to draw out their wildest dreamz.
We had several teachers (Oh My!), a student who plans to rescue lost animals from the street (My God!), doctors and lawyers (Yes, sir! They're planning now), and even a little darling who plans to be a "Real Ice Cream" bar some day. "Dream! Dream On!" Sounds impossible? Let's see what happens in a few years when there's a chocolate ice cream bar with her name on it! I'm excited.
I received hug after hug from 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders. The middle school students showered me with their positive energy. Instead of drawing pictures of their dreamz, I gave them a writing assignment after my pep talk about following dreamz even when the people closets to you tell you that "You can't do that!" They were shown random pictures and were asked to write stories based on what they saw. Story after story depicted a moral. "Bobby swam anyway even though his friend told him he couldn't," a milddle school wrote in reference to a picture with two boys at the water's edge. POWERFUL! The beauty in this story, I never gave them guidelines, I simply asked them to be open to the picture and write the untold stories. They met the challenged and exceeded their own expectations. "Dream! Dream on!"
Despite the ice falling over the New York asphal along Neptune and 25th, I was warmed with the spirit of children and their dreamz. Since the weather was inclimate, I was unable to meet with a book store owner. But God! Whew! Photographer and head chef at PS288 made a call to his stylist and invited me to meet her and the rest of the staff! Though I have a driving IEP (for the educators out there), I found a parking space near the Mane Attraction. Four women with accents were there to greet me along with Larry. I remembered the text I received earlier from my favorite Alpha Pharoah. He said my conversation should be based on "insight and discernment. Your credibility is your character..." I took his advice to the hill, and pretty...gave them me.
The secret to New Yorkers or anyone for that matter is simply, be yourself. It gets no clearer than that. That's the best way to earn the respect of anyone. Me was enough for the ladies at Mane Attraction. They blessed me and I climbed into my car three books lighter.
Mane Attraction, thank you for welcoming me with open arms. PS288, thank you for helping me reach my dreamz. To all of you, I only ask of you to DREAM! DREAM ON! and make all your heart's desires come true.
I did leave with a challenge, someone asked if I wrote children's books. Sister Michelle (see caption and pic) and both responded "not yet." I guess I'd better get to work. New York put out the call for me to do so and so, I too must DREAM! DREAM ON!
I love New York!
A. Brown Girl
Picture A Caption: Sister Yvette and Sister(c) Michelle (r) take a Coffeedreamz Break with me.
Picture B Caption: Owner Shellie pose with me and the rest of the very cool staff of Mane Attraction in Coney Island. Stop by to get your coif done. Mane Attraction is located at 2408 Mermaid AveBrooklyn, NY 11224 (718) 373-9795.
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