Days before this picture was taken, it was filled with three tubs of butter, a peanut butter and jelly combo in a jar, some bread and eggs that were probably about to hatch into chicken. Then, love stepped in.
The love of family and friends came to the aid of this hungy refrigerator after a potluck Christmas. All the time and preparation was worth the final result. The hosue was filled with laughter, joy and love. There was more food and fellowship one person could handle and an adage reminds us to pay it forward. The blessing of love and good spirits fed a total of 29 people over a period of three days. And you know what, there was still more to share.
The full refrigerator is a symbol of sowing seeds to reap a harvest. I truly understand what it means for a cup to run over. Some of its contents will spill over...and you won't have enough paper towels to catch it.
Be blessed in 2007.
A. Blessed Brown Girl
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