I was so surprised to hear so many people throwing darts at Cupid. With just a cloth to cover his bottom, it had turned as red as an apple because of the many spankings he received for trying to spread love.
Instead of being bitter and giving off the energy of Scrooge because I don't have an earthly love to call my own, I've realized that if you're not happy within yourself, no amount of love from someone else will bring you the joy of those you see in public holding hands with a glow in their eyes. Though I am not in a relationship, I want to solute my forever Valentine's today!
Grandma, when I entered the world, you all but killed the nurse (smile). No one was ready for my arrival. Seemingly, Mom was the only one who knew before March 31st. Nevertheless, you reared me and took care of me while you allowed her to finish school. We had some very special moments. I can't comb my hair without thinking of your red, hard plastic comb. OUCH! Now that was love...Thank you for always getting on me when I don't call like I'm supposed to. If for no other reason, you let me know that I'm cared about even when I can't slow down. I love you.
My cousin, Kevin - You always show me what I should expect from my mate. Though we are family, you give me the same courtesy as the woman you will one day call wife. You are concerned about my general well being, surprise me with uplifting words and always remember that with joy comes pain---not a bad way to segue into sharing your Frankie Beverly and Maze tickets. Can't wait to jam with you in Jacksonville!
All of my aunts and Candy too - If there is a plate to be eaten, you share it with me. If there is a relationship topic I need an answer to, you are their to give me advice. If there are clothes to be worn, you give me the shoes to match. I am glad Mommy left me in your care! From Connecticut to Maryland, you ladies are the bestest!
All my uncles - You are the most amazing men in my life! You are a looking glass for high expectations. If I expect too much from my mate, it's because I'm used to being treated well by you. How could I expect any less?
Cousins Rita and Greg - Even when I'm not looking, you're supporting me. You believe in my work in such a way that your stamp of approval is like God saying, "Okay, my child, commence to be successful." Thanks for being a part of my life. I love you guys!
My girls for life: I didn't have to ask, Leslie, Kisha and Tracy, ladies you just showed up in Orlando on April 5, 2005 to simply stand as we celebrated my favorite lady. Khalilah, next to Kevin, you're about the only person I could live with in this world. You understand me more than I understand myself. I am excited to know that we still have many more years of roomy tales to share. Ronnie, I'm still choked up on my bridesmaide gift. Please know that was, by far, my most favorite present ever from a bride. Mama Respass, you're my #1 visitor in the big "W." I borrowed you from another friend and I proudly call you sister. I'm on top of things when it comes to matters of the heart, because of your great advice. Hey, you got what you wanted, so I'm hanging on to every one of the words you say. Ladies, you're friends for life. Tara, when all I had was a car and the things in it, you opened your door for me to live until I got myself together. You have no idea how much that meant to me. Rebecca, you have been my Yoda since day 1. The bond we have and left in Florida and the Bahamas was nothing buy God sent. I'm glad I had my first cruise and girl trip with you. What a time we had with...what's their names...lol. Rhonda and Je'Ree, it's both your fault I've advanced my technology beyond email. And I am glad (whew). You've both been in my corner and accepting of my crazy ways, Thanks for letting me be me. The JuJu and The Tindle, though space has separated us, let's continue to keep the dream of one day having sanity alive. Jeanty, you're among my newest of friends. Girl, you keep me laughing. I guess that makes you my funny Valentine. I love you girls.
My Coffeedreamz Children and Little Sister - I don't care what's going on in my day, seeing you, hugging you, hearing your voices takes me into a world of unbreakable peace. The world is better because you are in it. Expect tears this graduation day. They will be tears of joy!
Nathan Wesley Jones - Our history goes back to John's Creek at Hampton University (1995). But one night in particular you held my hand through a time most people would have taken advantage of...It was the night of my first drink. Head swimming and stomach dancing, you took me up to the top deck of the ship that sailed the rivers of Norfolk. Your only concern---my personal safety. Lastly, nothing tops that New Edition video medley you put together. I cherish it. That DVD kept my party going. Thank you for all your efforts over the years. Thank you for concentrating on me (smile).
Tilea, you are as sweet as they come in sports. On and off the courts, you are a star. I look to your success to remind me that I have a destiny to follow. We'll forever share the same Norwegian slippers together (lol). I love you, cuz!
Welcome to 21, cousin Los. Here's to many more. Thank you for always being a reasonable ear when I need it. I hold on to YOUR words, Unfortunately, a lot of guys asre going to miss out on a great woman." You inspire me to greatness. In the end, someone will be proud to take me off your hands...and hold me in theirs.
Cedric, I know how much your Myspace page means to you, but thanks for always seeing me to my care after my visits at the crib. We still have the Lincoln Memorial to see.
Tiara and Centae, you give me reason to be on the straight and narrow. I know that you're coming up as young ladies and I have to be an example to follow. So, when I pose nude for Dove soap, know that it's art (smile).
Malik, I love your innocence. Thanks for always making me feel welcomed at the Jackson house.
My BAB Alumni - "We are a family like a giant tree...Okay, was I the only one in Dream Girls standing up and singing. Brought back so many memories. I tell you...I look at students today and their measurement for excellence is, "Shoot, I got a D. I passed." We were each other's roll models...seeking to be #1 in all we did. A C...shoot, a B for that matter, was NEVER good enough for us. LOL We even competed to see who could get the most community service hours. People will continue to talk about us and the wonderful program that made us who we are today. Is anyone doing poorly? Think about that and be proud of the legacy we followed and left behind. I am because you challenged me to be a better student and person. I owe the success of my writing career now and in the future to three people, Candice Bobo, Kenji Jasper and Mark Jennings. You were my first favorite contemporary writers.
Lance, thank you for helping me to always believe in love...in part because you always show me.
Tony, what would a year be without our annual dinner. No matter what happens in our lives, let's keep that tradition going.
Hampton Alumni - The person who is credited for saying "At Hampton you make friends for life," never lied. Every networking opportunity I have had since graduation involved a Hampton grad some how. I don't care who is "The Real HU," I just know Hampton is the most progressive HU. Does it get any better than a pirate? Here's the thing, if you won't give us an opportunity, we take it and make it "Do what it do, baby!" EYE! EYE! Captains! In the words of our wonderful president, "Let's Get On With It!"
Gamma Iota with a special shout to those Divas of Spring '97, I love your for all of your hand holding, head perming when the kithen was rough, pats on the back, dinner company, just because you're my sister selves. I went from an only child to...I ran out of fingers to count how many sisters I have. Continue the legacy. Mawiyah, I still have the plates you gave me. Using them on this snowy day to eat WAFFLES! Sherri, if you hadn't written that letter...well, I'd still be able to call you sister but...well you know...No Delta (smile).
Papa Ron - You are the reason I can call myself an Alumna of Hampton...the reason I can call myself an initiate of the Gamma Iota Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta...the reason I was able to build upon my communication skills. You are the reason when I look at my wardrobe and I only see black that I quickly make a note to self that I have to get some color in my closet. "Black people look great in color," I remember you saying on the set of "Teen Summit," I never forgot that. I love you and thank you for being my first mentor.
Todd B - Did you know you were the first person to interview me as an adult? It was regarding my poem, "Peach Tree." For the life of me, I can't find the cassette the poem is on. Just know, even without the evidence, I never forgot. Thanks for always giving me love. I will continue being a devoted listener.
Sistahs Keyona, Postell and Darlene, you keep me grounded. If ever the three of us are in the same space, people will honestly think we have the same parents. You are my voices of reason. I admire the women you are. Thank you for being in my life.
One Luv and the Luv Lounge Family, you spread love each week with me. Thanks for allowing me to share your rib! Uh...Dwayne...I'm over due for my appointment (smile).
Russell Padgett - What more could a little sister ask for? You are the bomb! What was supposed to be an initial real estate visit turned out to be a family reunion. Thank you for all you are to me. You stuck with me from close to Florida to book signing to close again...and like Puffy, we ain't gonna stop!
Russell West - One stage brought us closer, but past experiences keep us friends. I still have my birthday card from last year. I remember opening it in my car. You might as well say that was the beginning of the NE concert for me...I can't wait to celebrate your wedding this year. Rachel is blessed to have you.
Pernell, when haven't you made me feel like a lady? I'll never forget my first time entering the walls of Collegiate and my first meeting. You greeted me with a camera. And during the ice breaker your life's goal was to become a great husband and father. You set a trend for me to hear those words from the one I will call husband some day.
Larvacious One - You taught me how to rediscover my city. For that, I am greatful. Even when we argue, we're still friends. I love you, man.
Derrick, man it's been over 20 years since I've known you. You're stuck with me now (smile). Thank you for always calling me, "Lady" and making me feel like one.
Milah, let's face it, we really are sisters. There isn't enough space on here to go down memory lane. Let's just say, I'm glad our friendship has survived it all (smile).
Papa Kaggwa - You believe in me when I need that extra push in my craft. You make me want to be a better writer. For that, I am extremely indebted to you. Thank you.
GOING WAY BACK NOW: Ramp - I want to go on record and give your wife a compliment: She is the luckiest girl in all of Hawaii. I admire the love you have for Sky. Your happiness shines through in your wedding pictures. I remember the beginning of your relationship and was glad to know that through it has lasted. You still make it work. Thank you both for showing me how love can stand the test of time.
Ntu - It doesn't matter what I need, you are the Director of Things I Cannot Do. You helped me reach a group of students who, on any given day, fought me. I couldn't be more proud of their progress. A large part of who they became is because of you. Of above and beyond any success I might achieve this school year, your visits helped me achieve the impossible.
Danzell - You are a gentleman's gentleman! Your mom and dad did something spectacular when they made you. I'll never forget one afternoon we stepped out for lunch. It was raining and you shared your hat with me. That single, simple gesture meant so much to me. You are, without a doubt, a super Kappa. You think of others first without even knowing it.
Foster, the world is really small when we're in it together. As you following your "Regular Dude" dreamz, I will continue to support you in your endeavors. See them through, men. When all you desire is accomplished, I’ll be the Goofy Sweet cheerleader with a bow in her hair clapping for you. Thanks for reintering my life.
Pegues - From the first moment we met, you were more than a star! Thanks sharing a smile even when it hurts to do so.
Phillip - As much as I am a mentor to you, you have certainly been of great help to me. Thank you for stepping in when most people are afraid to do what's right. You're well on your way to gaining back all that you lost. I appreciate you.
Bailey - You always make me step up to the plate in the fashion industry. You set trends and send me to the store. Thanks for helping me bring "Sexy Back," and redefining my inner me.
Richardson - Of all the people who came to my house warming party, I was particularly glad to see you. You have know idea how warm you made my heart. You have been so supportive of my endeavors. I couldn't ask for a better supervisor.
Mark - Do you remember our first conversation? I was but 15 and you were still 14. It was a three-way conversation. I never knew that 15 plus years would make up our friendship. Regardless of where we are in the world, your ear and your heart are always opened to me. I honor the friend you are to me. Your babies are blessed to have you as a father!
My favorite couple: The Strains. I could go on and on about you...but others would be jealous. Continue to be a blessing. Though the road gets rough sometime, remember that you can NEVER separate! You're like Celie and Nettie (smile) "You and Me Us Neva Part..." Thanks for the advice and leading me in a direction that is a blessing. I love you guys!
JB, the word love was best seen in the eyes of Mommy. I'm glad we've become better friends and father and daughter over the past 2 years. I appreciate you and love you. Regardless of how long it took us to get here...we're here and there is no time greater than the present. Your advice is invaluable. You're still hear, like you said, to make sure I'm okay...but I don't want to be selfish, there are others who are better because of you. Never forget that!
Since there are so many people I have not named, this space if reserved for you: (There are so many I have not named...this is for: Thank you for supporting me with Sugar Rush: Love's Liberation (From Freeman's Barbershop, to Judine, to my favorite Portsmouth Book Club, to the Butler/Warren family, shoot...everone who helped me to make the movement for love real). It's a fight writing what's right. I refuse to give up. From Friendship Collegiate (DC) to Discovery Academy at Lake Alfred (FL).
Super Star Ladies in the House of F.A.M.E. (Teri, Hazel, Whiting, Fergie), keep on loving what you do. I'm in the audience cheering you on to stardom!
To My House members (2003-2004) - We're like Atlantis, there will only be tales of our existence but few will remember the truth. There is no one like you. Thank you for great years! Pickett, Frazier, Fergie, Tanya, Mireille and Lynne.
Emerald Forest, I miss you guys. Give me a few years, I'll be back on the block looking like my mom. Don't be scared, it's just her face I borrowed...(smile).
Ken, Sheila, Brian and Anita, thank for you adopting me into your family. We're at the beginning stages, but there is a long road ahead of us. To the TOP, I say! TO THE TOP!
To the first man I ever loved and love to no end this day: (drum roll)
My Grandpa! I love you for all you are to me. We both lost the only person we shared in common, but through her spirit our love continues to be unbreakable. There is only one whose love compares to yours...God.
To Those Who are Gone but not forgotten: The seed who planted me, the womb that carried me, the man whose life was a testimony even while policing the city and the girl whose life changed mine...thank you for being the angels who look out for me.
Happy Valentine's Day to you all! If you were not listed, please charge it to my head and not my heart. I'm blessed.
Love always,
Your Favorite Brown Girl
Instead of being bitter and giving off the energy of Scrooge because I don't have an earthly love to call my own, I've realized that if you're not happy within yourself, no amount of love from someone else will bring you the joy of those you see in public holding hands with a glow in their eyes. Though I am not in a relationship, I want to solute my forever Valentine's today!
Grandma, when I entered the world, you all but killed the nurse (smile). No one was ready for my arrival. Seemingly, Mom was the only one who knew before March 31st. Nevertheless, you reared me and took care of me while you allowed her to finish school. We had some very special moments. I can't comb my hair without thinking of your red, hard plastic comb. OUCH! Now that was love...Thank you for always getting on me when I don't call like I'm supposed to. If for no other reason, you let me know that I'm cared about even when I can't slow down. I love you.
My cousin, Kevin - You always show me what I should expect from my mate. Though we are family, you give me the same courtesy as the woman you will one day call wife. You are concerned about my general well being, surprise me with uplifting words and always remember that with joy comes pain---not a bad way to segue into sharing your Frankie Beverly and Maze tickets. Can't wait to jam with you in Jacksonville!
All of my aunts and Candy too - If there is a plate to be eaten, you share it with me. If there is a relationship topic I need an answer to, you are their to give me advice. If there are clothes to be worn, you give me the shoes to match. I am glad Mommy left me in your care! From Connecticut to Maryland, you ladies are the bestest!
All my uncles - You are the most amazing men in my life! You are a looking glass for high expectations. If I expect too much from my mate, it's because I'm used to being treated well by you. How could I expect any less?
Cousins Rita and Greg - Even when I'm not looking, you're supporting me. You believe in my work in such a way that your stamp of approval is like God saying, "Okay, my child, commence to be successful." Thanks for being a part of my life. I love you guys!
My girls for life: I didn't have to ask, Leslie, Kisha and Tracy, ladies you just showed up in Orlando on April 5, 2005 to simply stand as we celebrated my favorite lady. Khalilah, next to Kevin, you're about the only person I could live with in this world. You understand me more than I understand myself. I am excited to know that we still have many more years of roomy tales to share. Ronnie, I'm still choked up on my bridesmaide gift. Please know that was, by far, my most favorite present ever from a bride. Mama Respass, you're my #1 visitor in the big "W." I borrowed you from another friend and I proudly call you sister. I'm on top of things when it comes to matters of the heart, because of your great advice. Hey, you got what you wanted, so I'm hanging on to every one of the words you say. Ladies, you're friends for life. Tara, when all I had was a car and the things in it, you opened your door for me to live until I got myself together. You have no idea how much that meant to me. Rebecca, you have been my Yoda since day 1. The bond we have and left in Florida and the Bahamas was nothing buy God sent. I'm glad I had my first cruise and girl trip with you. What a time we had with...what's their names...lol. Rhonda and Je'Ree, it's both your fault I've advanced my technology beyond email. And I am glad (whew). You've both been in my corner and accepting of my crazy ways, Thanks for letting me be me. The JuJu and The Tindle, though space has separated us, let's continue to keep the dream of one day having sanity alive. Jeanty, you're among my newest of friends. Girl, you keep me laughing. I guess that makes you my funny Valentine. I love you girls.
My Coffeedreamz Children and Little Sister - I don't care what's going on in my day, seeing you, hugging you, hearing your voices takes me into a world of unbreakable peace. The world is better because you are in it. Expect tears this graduation day. They will be tears of joy!
Nathan Wesley Jones - Our history goes back to John's Creek at Hampton University (1995). But one night in particular you held my hand through a time most people would have taken advantage of...It was the night of my first drink. Head swimming and stomach dancing, you took me up to the top deck of the ship that sailed the rivers of Norfolk. Your only concern---my personal safety. Lastly, nothing tops that New Edition video medley you put together. I cherish it. That DVD kept my party going. Thank you for all your efforts over the years. Thank you for concentrating on me (smile).
Tilea, you are as sweet as they come in sports. On and off the courts, you are a star. I look to your success to remind me that I have a destiny to follow. We'll forever share the same Norwegian slippers together (lol). I love you, cuz!
Welcome to 21, cousin Los. Here's to many more. Thank you for always being a reasonable ear when I need it. I hold on to YOUR words, Unfortunately, a lot of guys asre going to miss out on a great woman." You inspire me to greatness. In the end, someone will be proud to take me off your hands...and hold me in theirs.
Cedric, I know how much your Myspace page means to you, but thanks for always seeing me to my care after my visits at the crib. We still have the Lincoln Memorial to see.
Tiara and Centae, you give me reason to be on the straight and narrow. I know that you're coming up as young ladies and I have to be an example to follow. So, when I pose nude for Dove soap, know that it's art (smile).
Malik, I love your innocence. Thanks for always making me feel welcomed at the Jackson house.
My BAB Alumni - "We are a family like a giant tree...Okay, was I the only one in Dream Girls standing up and singing. Brought back so many memories. I tell you...I look at students today and their measurement for excellence is, "Shoot, I got a D. I passed." We were each other's roll models...seeking to be #1 in all we did. A C...shoot, a B for that matter, was NEVER good enough for us. LOL We even competed to see who could get the most community service hours. People will continue to talk about us and the wonderful program that made us who we are today. Is anyone doing poorly? Think about that and be proud of the legacy we followed and left behind. I am because you challenged me to be a better student and person. I owe the success of my writing career now and in the future to three people, Candice Bobo, Kenji Jasper and Mark Jennings. You were my first favorite contemporary writers.
Lance, thank you for helping me to always believe in love...in part because you always show me.
Tony, what would a year be without our annual dinner. No matter what happens in our lives, let's keep that tradition going.
Hampton Alumni - The person who is credited for saying "At Hampton you make friends for life," never lied. Every networking opportunity I have had since graduation involved a Hampton grad some how. I don't care who is "The Real HU," I just know Hampton is the most progressive HU. Does it get any better than a pirate? Here's the thing, if you won't give us an opportunity, we take it and make it "Do what it do, baby!" EYE! EYE! Captains! In the words of our wonderful president, "Let's Get On With It!"
Gamma Iota with a special shout to those Divas of Spring '97, I love your for all of your hand holding, head perming when the kithen was rough, pats on the back, dinner company, just because you're my sister selves. I went from an only child to...I ran out of fingers to count how many sisters I have. Continue the legacy. Mawiyah, I still have the plates you gave me. Using them on this snowy day to eat WAFFLES! Sherri, if you hadn't written that letter...well, I'd still be able to call you sister but...well you know...No Delta (smile).
Papa Ron - You are the reason I can call myself an Alumna of Hampton...the reason I can call myself an initiate of the Gamma Iota Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta...the reason I was able to build upon my communication skills. You are the reason when I look at my wardrobe and I only see black that I quickly make a note to self that I have to get some color in my closet. "Black people look great in color," I remember you saying on the set of "Teen Summit," I never forgot that. I love you and thank you for being my first mentor.
Todd B - Did you know you were the first person to interview me as an adult? It was regarding my poem, "Peach Tree." For the life of me, I can't find the cassette the poem is on. Just know, even without the evidence, I never forgot. Thanks for always giving me love. I will continue being a devoted listener.
Sistahs Keyona, Postell and Darlene, you keep me grounded. If ever the three of us are in the same space, people will honestly think we have the same parents. You are my voices of reason. I admire the women you are. Thank you for being in my life.
One Luv and the Luv Lounge Family, you spread love each week with me. Thanks for allowing me to share your rib! Uh...Dwayne...I'm over due for my appointment (smile).
Russell Padgett - What more could a little sister ask for? You are the bomb! What was supposed to be an initial real estate visit turned out to be a family reunion. Thank you for all you are to me. You stuck with me from close to Florida to book signing to close again...and like Puffy, we ain't gonna stop!
Russell West - One stage brought us closer, but past experiences keep us friends. I still have my birthday card from last year. I remember opening it in my car. You might as well say that was the beginning of the NE concert for me...I can't wait to celebrate your wedding this year. Rachel is blessed to have you.
Pernell, when haven't you made me feel like a lady? I'll never forget my first time entering the walls of Collegiate and my first meeting. You greeted me with a camera. And during the ice breaker your life's goal was to become a great husband and father. You set a trend for me to hear those words from the one I will call husband some day.
Larvacious One - You taught me how to rediscover my city. For that, I am greatful. Even when we argue, we're still friends. I love you, man.
Derrick, man it's been over 20 years since I've known you. You're stuck with me now (smile). Thank you for always calling me, "Lady" and making me feel like one.
Milah, let's face it, we really are sisters. There isn't enough space on here to go down memory lane. Let's just say, I'm glad our friendship has survived it all (smile).
Papa Kaggwa - You believe in me when I need that extra push in my craft. You make me want to be a better writer. For that, I am extremely indebted to you. Thank you.
GOING WAY BACK NOW: Ramp - I want to go on record and give your wife a compliment: She is the luckiest girl in all of Hawaii. I admire the love you have for Sky. Your happiness shines through in your wedding pictures. I remember the beginning of your relationship and was glad to know that through it has lasted. You still make it work. Thank you both for showing me how love can stand the test of time.
Ntu - It doesn't matter what I need, you are the Director of Things I Cannot Do. You helped me reach a group of students who, on any given day, fought me. I couldn't be more proud of their progress. A large part of who they became is because of you. Of above and beyond any success I might achieve this school year, your visits helped me achieve the impossible.
Danzell - You are a gentleman's gentleman! Your mom and dad did something spectacular when they made you. I'll never forget one afternoon we stepped out for lunch. It was raining and you shared your hat with me. That single, simple gesture meant so much to me. You are, without a doubt, a super Kappa. You think of others first without even knowing it.
Foster, the world is really small when we're in it together. As you following your "Regular Dude" dreamz, I will continue to support you in your endeavors. See them through, men. When all you desire is accomplished, I’ll be the Goofy Sweet cheerleader with a bow in her hair clapping for you. Thanks for reintering my life.
Pegues - From the first moment we met, you were more than a star! Thanks sharing a smile even when it hurts to do so.
Phillip - As much as I am a mentor to you, you have certainly been of great help to me. Thank you for stepping in when most people are afraid to do what's right. You're well on your way to gaining back all that you lost. I appreciate you.
Bailey - You always make me step up to the plate in the fashion industry. You set trends and send me to the store. Thanks for helping me bring "Sexy Back," and redefining my inner me.
Richardson - Of all the people who came to my house warming party, I was particularly glad to see you. You have know idea how warm you made my heart. You have been so supportive of my endeavors. I couldn't ask for a better supervisor.
Mark - Do you remember our first conversation? I was but 15 and you were still 14. It was a three-way conversation. I never knew that 15 plus years would make up our friendship. Regardless of where we are in the world, your ear and your heart are always opened to me. I honor the friend you are to me. Your babies are blessed to have you as a father!
My favorite couple: The Strains. I could go on and on about you...but others would be jealous. Continue to be a blessing. Though the road gets rough sometime, remember that you can NEVER separate! You're like Celie and Nettie (smile) "You and Me Us Neva Part..." Thanks for the advice and leading me in a direction that is a blessing. I love you guys!
JB, the word love was best seen in the eyes of Mommy. I'm glad we've become better friends and father and daughter over the past 2 years. I appreciate you and love you. Regardless of how long it took us to get here...we're here and there is no time greater than the present. Your advice is invaluable. You're still hear, like you said, to make sure I'm okay...but I don't want to be selfish, there are others who are better because of you. Never forget that!
Since there are so many people I have not named, this space if reserved for you: (There are so many I have not named...this is for: Thank you for supporting me with Sugar Rush: Love's Liberation (From Freeman's Barbershop, to Judine, to my favorite Portsmouth Book Club, to the Butler/Warren family, shoot...everone who helped me to make the movement for love real). It's a fight writing what's right. I refuse to give up. From Friendship Collegiate (DC) to Discovery Academy at Lake Alfred (FL).
Super Star Ladies in the House of F.A.M.E. (Teri, Hazel, Whiting, Fergie), keep on loving what you do. I'm in the audience cheering you on to stardom!
To My House members (2003-2004) - We're like Atlantis, there will only be tales of our existence but few will remember the truth. There is no one like you. Thank you for great years! Pickett, Frazier, Fergie, Tanya, Mireille and Lynne.
Emerald Forest, I miss you guys. Give me a few years, I'll be back on the block looking like my mom. Don't be scared, it's just her face I borrowed...(smile).
Ken, Sheila, Brian and Anita, thank for you adopting me into your family. We're at the beginning stages, but there is a long road ahead of us. To the TOP, I say! TO THE TOP!
To the first man I ever loved and love to no end this day: (drum roll)
My Grandpa! I love you for all you are to me. We both lost the only person we shared in common, but through her spirit our love continues to be unbreakable. There is only one whose love compares to yours...God.
To Those Who are Gone but not forgotten: The seed who planted me, the womb that carried me, the man whose life was a testimony even while policing the city and the girl whose life changed mine...thank you for being the angels who look out for me.
Happy Valentine's Day to you all! If you were not listed, please charge it to my head and not my heart. I'm blessed.
Love always,
Your Favorite Brown Girl