Chocolate Chip Cookie Rain Drops (c) Copyright 2006 Yolonda D. Coleman
Chocolate chip cookie dough lay between my nails. I baked them fresh for a man who's not here. Their Eyes Were Watching God is on constant rewind, Janie and Tea Cake's Love makes me thirst for my time when...
My beloved will sneak behind me while I'm baking his love in the oven
And he asks me to take a break so he can show me some lovin'
And it's not the lovin' in the bedroom
but his passion that makes his energy rise
the very thing that puts a sparkle in his eyes
and when he looks at me, I remind him of all the good vibes
that make him produce, paint, write, design and weave the fabric of our love.
"Here, let me show you," he says while guiding my hand across the keyboards of life
with the brush strokes of love, I listen to his melody and bask in his revelry
I'm in his classroom of love, and I gladly sit in the front to be called upon
when he seeks the answers to romance his untold mysteries.
I bookmark his pages with my heart, but there will be no need for the future
because I am his never changing present.
I lick my finger tips of chocolate dreams and close my eyes hoping to see his lips touch mine...our first kiss...while it rains.
It's a good thing I'm a dreamer who knows one day, it will come true.