Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Google Eyes

So...I'm on the computer after getting home from the city (been in Waldorf, MD since June) and I decide to google myself. The result is the picture included in this blog. This was taken on my 25th birthday. Ironically, I was just talking to the person who gave me the cd I'm holding---the soundtrack to The Wiz.

This picture also reminds me of an innocence I once knew. The quarter century mark of my life brought on realities I never knew I'd experience. The quote, "No one is exempt from trouble" rings clearer with each year since I turned 25. At any rate, I am blessed because of the journey.

Big hugs to those who continue along my travels of life. Thank you for sticking through the hard times and celebrating the good times. If I'm still caling you and IMing you at the crack of black in the morning with every emotion possible---then I'm talking to you.


A. Brown Girl

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