By Yolonda D. Coleman
Author of Sugar Rush: Love’s Liberation (www.amazon.com keyword LOVELLA)
& Content Producer for www.associatedcontent.com
The hungry aren’t always homeless. There are people in this world who are starving and never discover it until the food is brought before them. Hip Hop artist and poet Komplex or JustKom as his title release reads, fed his audience with knowledge to increase respect for God, self, and one another during the seventh annual Harlem Renaissance Festival on May 6, 2006 in Landover, MD.
93.9 felt like the temperature on the grounds of the Kentland Community Center. Instead, it was the main stage sponsored by 93.9 Kiss FM where Komplex performed Heaven In View, a tribute to a woman who suffered from HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The audience grew in numbers when they realized as simple and calm as his name sounds, Kom did not spit simple rhymes.
While vendors sold books, cosmetics, and politics, Mr. Keep On Moving captured the attention of those who licked their fingers from afternoon snacks to participate in a series of call and response. Kom celebrated the present while paying homage to the root of his culture. With the Nu Soul band playing in the background, hands waved from side to side, heads bobbed to the heartbeat of the band, and choirs formed.
After serving poetry al a carte during his set, fans lined up to buy their copy of JustKom. For more information on Komplex, please visit www.komplexonline.com.